Efficacy of medical ozone tender spot injection combined with passive functional exercise on scapulohumeral periarthritis 医用臭氧局部痛点注射结合被动功能锻炼治疗肩周炎的疗效观察
Neonates in the swimming group received regular passive swimming exercise, and those in the bathing group only received routine bathing. 游泳护理组进行正规的游泳被动操训练,沐浴组仅给予常规的沐浴处理。
Limited passive exercise in prevention of shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke 受限的被动训练预防脑卒中后肩-手综合征的疗效观察
Manual massage was performed on the paralytic limbs in the rehabilitation groups, which was combined with passive exercise. 康复组加用Bobath手法按摩瘫痪肢体及被动运动手段。
In order to activate group workers 'positivity, to improve students' physical consciousness, to form the habit of exercise, to change the students from passive exercise to active exercise, this provides perfect methods and measurements. 激发群体工作者的积极性,增强学生体育意识,养成锻炼习惯,为学生从被动锻炼过渡到主动锻炼的过程提供良好的途径和措施。
Application of continuous passive exercise in the functional recovery of limb joints 持续被动运动在肢体关节功能恢复中的应用
METHODS: A patient with unilateral acute subcortical infarction and a normal subject of right handedness, who were hospitalized in the General Hospital of Daqing Oil Field in June 2004, received fMRI with passive single finger exercise task. 方法:应用被动单指运动任务,对2004年6月大庆油田总医院住院的1名急性单侧皮质下梗死患者和1名正常右利手被试进行功能性磁共振成像研究。
METHODS: Rehabilitative procedure including rehabilitative therapy, rehabilitative nursing, position management, active exercise, passive exercise, training of daily life activity and the management of incontinence. 方法:康复程序包括康复治疗、康复护理、体位处理、主动运动、被动运动、日常生活活动训练和失禁处理。
It was indicated that passive stretch and isokinetic exercise were effective in function restoration of ankle joint. 表明被动牵伸和等速练习能有效恢复踝关节功能。
Comparison of the brain activation pattern in passive single finger exercise between a normal testee and a stroke patient 被动单指运动的脑激活模式:正常被试者与脑卒中患者的比较
Effect of passive flutter exercise and respiration exercise on rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 被动摇摆运动和呼吸练习对慢性阻塞性肺病患者康复的影响
Passive exercise offers a convenient and feasible method for the fMRI study of the functional recovery in stroke patients at acute phase. 被动运动为脑卒中急性期运动恢复的功能性磁共振成像研究提供了简便易行的方法。
Effect of Passive Stretch and Isokinetic Exercise on Ankle Joint Function Impairment 被动牵伸和等速练习对踝关节功能障碍的疗效
The modes of brain activation in passive single finger exercise and the differences and similarities were analyzed and compared between normal subjects and stroke patient. 分析比较正常被试与脑卒中患者被动单指运动的脑激活模式及其异同。
Objective: To investigate the effect of intraarticular blocking, lavage and injection of hyaluronic acid ( 3 injection therapy) in combination with passive mouth-opening exercise post-injection on the treatment of chronic anterior disc displacement without reduction ( ADDwor) of temporomandibular joint. 目的:探讨关节腔封闭、灌洗和关节腔内注射透明质酸钠(即3次注射疗法)结合术后被动张口训练在治疗慢性不可复性关节盘前移位中的作用。
The dissection of the attachment of flexion muscles; the tendons elongation, physiotherapy and passive exercise with good results. 屈肌腱附丽点剥脱,瘢痕化肌肉切除,屈肌腱延长术,理疗和被动锻炼综合治疗获得良好的预后。
AIM: To investigate the application of a passive single finger exercise task in the functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) study for acute stroke. 目的:探讨被动单指运动任务在脑卒中急性期功能磁共振成像研究中的应用。
AIM: To study the influence of passive swimming exercise on neonatal body mass. 目的:探讨游泳被动训练操对新生儿体质量的影响。
At day 2 the headstock was rose about 30 ° to do passive exercise of extremity joint. 第2天床头抬高30°左右,肢体关节的被动运动;
In the control group, patients received trainings of passive exercise and activities of daily life on the basis of neurological drug therapy; 对照组患者在神经内科药物治疗的基础上,由家属进行被动运动和日常生活能力训练。
AIM: To observe the clinical effect of combination treatment of acupuncture and manipulation and passive stretching exercise for treating spasm cerebral palsy in infants. 目的:观察针刺配合手法被动牵张运动对小儿痉挛型脑性瘫痪的治疗效果。
Extracurricular fitness base breach the traditional model of "students learn whatever teachers teach" and change the passive learning and mechanical training to self-conscious exercise. 大学生课外健身基地打破了以往的教师教什么,学生学什么的传统教学模式,变被动学习和机械训练为自觉的锻炼行为。
Calculated musculoskeletal model of lower extremity movement pattern of vertices by analyzing the lower limb rehabilitation training robot active and passive movement work, and simulated lower extremity rehabilitation robot passive musculoskeletal exercise changes. 然后分析下肢康复训练机器人的被动运动工作方式,计算出患者自主运动时,下肢肌肉和骨骼的运动方式,模拟出下肢康复训练机器人被动运动时人体肌肉骨骼的变化。
Strengthening initiative and passive exercise can improve the quality of treatment and the function of the patients. 加强早期合理的主被动综合性功能锻炼,可以明显的提高患者的功能恢复水平。